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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Don't be a couch potato...cook a Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes provide our bodies with nutrients that promote a healthier life.  Sweet potatoes can help protect against stroke, heart disease and cancer. 

High in Fiber – lowers the risk of constipation, diverticulitis, colon and rectal cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and obesity; fiber provides a feeling of fullness and satiety which helps control food intake

High in Antioxidants – prevents heart disease and cancer; vitamin E and beta-carotene are essential for good brain functioning and in delaying the effects of aging on the brain; pair sweet potatoes with a healthy fat such as olive oil, nuts or avocados to enjoy the full benefits of these antioxidants; also provides anti-inflammatory properties

Low Glycemic Index – slow absorption for a modest rise in blood sugars and a slow return to normal which is especially important for people with diabetes

Excellent Source of Potassium – plays a major role in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance and cell integrity; sweet potatoes are one of the top three richest sources of potassium

Sweet potatoes also contain vitamin C, B6, B5, B3 and copper.

Store in a cool, dark place
Don’t store in the refrigerator
Don’t rinse them until you are ready to use them

Add a sweet potato dish to your weekly menus.

Now if you are wondering if there is a difference between a sweet potato and a yam, well after lots of research I have found that these two vegetables are used interchangeably in the US and both offer health benefits.  I also found out that these two aren't even related. 

Sweet potatoes are touted to be lower in calories and have a lower glycemic index while yams tend to have more vitamin C and folate content.
The important thing to remember is to choose bright vegetables because they often offer more nutrients so opt for the bright orange vegetable - it might be a yam, it might be a sweet potato, either way, it's healthy.

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