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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I scream You Scream We All Scream for Ice Cream

Ok, who doesn’t love ice cream, honestly?!  It is my absolute favorite sweet treat and I used to eat it daily!  But we all know this is a food that should be eaten in moderation due to the high sugar and fat content.  Fortunately most of the ice cream I was eating was either low-fat or frozen yogurt, but still daily is not ideal.  So I’ve learned to cut back and indulge occasionally. 

There are “Better-for-you” options available if you love ice cream as much as I do.  Breyer's light ice creams are a good option.  My favorite is Dreyer’s Slow Churned Rich and Creamy Half the Fat ice creams and frozen yogurt blends.  They are so delicious.  I bet you would never know they are half the fat!  The yogurt blends contain live and active cultures and are a good source of calcium so an occasional treat may reap some health benefits.  My favorite yogurt blend flavor is definitely cookies n’ cream!!

Analysis from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) determined that average US consumption of ice cream contributed to 16% saturated fat to total daily nutrient intake for regular ice cream, while light ice cream contributed only 7%.  Now when we are supposed to eat < 10% of saturated fat each day, this makes a big difference.

Some good options for your sweet tooth:
Pure fruit popsicles, 100 calorie popsicles and ice cream bars (PORTION CONTROL), and light ice creams and frozen yogurts.  

Another great option is having Greek yogurt instead of ice cream.  Make a parfait.  This is what I have been doing on nights when I am craving a sweet treat.  I flavor my Greek yogurt with fresh banana chunks and frozen blueberries and sometimes I top it with unsweetened homemade granola. 
Another option would be to make a smoothie or protein shake instead of ice cream.  The one I have been making lately contains unsweetened soy or almond milk, frozen blueberries, half of a banana, ground flaxseeds, a handful of fresh baby spinach, couple ice cubes, and a scoop protein powder - not necessary especially if using soy milk because it has a good amount of protein.  If you want a chocolately shake, add a scoop of natural cocoa powder.  These shakes curb my sweet tooth, leave me satisfied plus they are very nutritious.

One last sweet option, one or two squares of dark chocolate.  At least 70% cocoa is ideal!  Jon bought me these for Valentine's day so I've been enjoying a square or two here and there.  Super yummy!

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