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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


One in 10 Americans experiences heartburn symptoms at least once a week. Heartburn has different triggers, including certain foods, medications, obesity, or even stress. Heartburn treatment may include medications, home remedies, or diet changes.

Acid reflux is when stomach acid splashes up from the stomach into the esophagus.

Heartburn is the symptom you feel when acid splashes up and out of the stomach. "Heartburn" is sometimes used interchangeably with "acid reflux." 

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is severe or chronic acid reflux that can lead to complications, such as cancer.

Foods to Avoid:

Mint, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, pepper, high fat foods, citrus, raw onions and garlic, tomatoes, high fat dairy (especially at night), spices, nuts and nut butters, fried food

Foods Allowed that may help:

Graham crackers, pretzels, rice cakes, bread, rice, lean meats, apples, pears, bananas, green peas, green beans, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, mineral water, low fat or fat free dairy, sherbet, dried beans

Simple Lifestyle and diet changes to prevent and manage heartburn:

·       Exercise

·       Wait 2-3 hours after eating before lying down, don’t go to bed with a full stomach

·       Eat several small meals throughout the day, don’t overeat

·       Raise the head of your bed 6-9 inches or prop pillows under shoulders

·       Drink mineral water between meals (not with meals)

·       Eat slowly

·       Quit smoking

·       Reduce stress – exercise, meditate, stretch, deep breathing

·       Wear loose-fitting clothes

·       Shed some pounds if you are overweight

·       Avoid alcohol

·       Keep a diary or heartburn log. Keep track of when heartburn hits and the specific activities that seem to trigger the incidents.

·       Time your meals. Wait at least two hours after a meal before exercising. If you work out any sooner, you may trigger heartburn.

·       Drink more water. Drink plenty of water before and during exercise. This will help keep you hydrated.

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