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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Would you like lemon with your water?

Borrowed from Pinterest to share…

I love lemon water. Make a pitcher in the morning and enjoy  cold refreshing lemon water all day long.

5 Reasons to Drink Lemon Water in the morning - or anytime really...

1.)    Balances pH – lemon is acidic but when it metabolizes in our body, it becomes alkaline which can help keep the oxygen in our blood at a safe pH level so our body can heal itself, assimilate nutrients and fight off sickness.

2.)    Keeps skin clear and glowing – hydration is one of the best things you can do for your skin because you are moisturizing your skin from the inside out. Plus lemons contain vitamin C, which helps with wrinkles and blemishes.

3.)    Kick starts the digestive system by stimulating the liver to produce bile to aid in digestion.  It also increases urination and helps with heartburn and constipation.

4.)    Helps with weight loss, from the alkalinity and from the fiber pectin which can help keep you fuller longer.  Lemons are also said to have a diuretic effect which helps with water weight gain.

5.)    Kicks the coffee habit and soda habit, not much more to say here.  Soda is not good for the body and coffee is okay in moderation but lemon water is far superior in my book.  I am going to try and start drinking lemon water when I wake up on a regular basis instead of coffee.  Then save coffee for a special treat.  What about you?

Try lemon water hot.  I read it can help with toothache, promotes gum health and reduces bad breath.  Warm lemon water can also soothe a sore throat.

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