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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself from your favorite foods.  Eating healthy doesn’t mean deprivation.  Eating healthy doesn’t mean lettuce for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Eating healthy doesn’t entail bland tasting foods.  Eating healthy just means everything in moderation, watching portion sizes and making simple swaps here and there.

We all have typical eating habits that are difficult to change, but once you make a change and get used to it, it becomes a new eating habit.  One for example is cutting back on egg yolks which contain a lot of cholesterol and saturated fat.  Egg yolks also contain iron and choline which are an important part of the diet but if one suffers from high cholesterol or heart disease they may benefit from limiting the amount of egg yolks in their diet.  Try using two to three egg whites and one whole egg the next time you make scrambled eggs or an omelet.  You will cut out almost 400-600 mg of cholesterol and around 100-150 calories.

Living a healthy life doesn’t mean you have to change everything at once.  It begins with baby steps.  Try one thing at a time.  If it is impossible to change something right now, move on to the next swap.  The important part is trying to add in the nutrients you need for optimal health and well-being.

Here are some good ways to start:

·         Swap your daily glass of fruit juice for one piece of fresh fruit or if your glass of juice is 8 oz or larger, slim it down to 4-6 oz. (the recommended daily serving size of juice)

·         Swap candy for dark chocolate (antioxidants)

·         Swap canned vegetables for fresh or frozen (less sodium)

·         Swap “whites” for “browns” – choose whole grain bread, cereal, rice and pasta more often

·         Swap sugar-filled beverages for water – freshen plain water with fruits, vegetables, and herbs such as lemons, limes, cucumber, and mint

·         Swap bottled salad dressings for olive oil, toasted sesame oil or walnut oil and pair with vinegar and herbs

·         Swap 2% milk for fat-free milk

·         Swap butter for Smart Balance light buttery spread with flax

·         Swap dinner plates for salad plates (portion control)

·         Swap store bought 100 calorie packs for homemade 100 calorie packs

o   ½ cup salsa with 1/3 cup fat-free cottage cheese

o   ½ apple with 2 tsp. peanut butter

o   ½ cup grapes with 6 almonds

o   8 oz. low-fat yogurt

o   1 whole hard-boiled egg and one hard-boiled egg white

o   1 cup jicama with 2 T. hummus

o   ½ cup edamame

o   1 laughing cow cheese wedge with 3 Triscuit crackers

o   1 light string cheese with ¼ cup cherry tomatoes

·         Swap lasagna noodles for thin slices of grilled zucchini or eggplant (see recipes)

·         Swap white pasta for spaghetti squash (see recipes)

·         Swap potato chips for kale chips (see recipes), jicama chips or popcorn (whole grain!)

·         Swap hummus for ranch as your raw vegetable dipper (more protein and less fat)

·         Swap ketchup and BBQ sauce for fresh salsa or mustard (less sugar)

·         Swap bread for lettuce and wrap up your favorite healthy burger or sandwich

·         Swap iceberg lettuce for spinach (more nutrients)

·         Swap meat for beans (black, navy, pinto, kidney, white) or tofu

·         Swap bacon for Canadian bacon (less sodium, calories and fat)

·         Swap egg yolks for whites (more protein, less cholesterol and saturated fat)

·         Swap peas for edamame (more protein)

·         Swap traditional yogurt for Greek yogurt (more protein, stick with plain non-fat , add fresh fruit)

·         Swap canned tuna for canned salmon (more heart-healthy omega-3s and calcium)

·         Swap rice for lentils or quinoa (more protein and fiber)

·         Swap full-fat cheese for reduced-fat cheese to save on calories and saturated fat

·         Swap salt for herbs and spices

·         Swap cold, sugary cereals for oatmeal or whole grain cereals such as Shredded Wheat (look for cereals with at least 5 grams of fiber and no more than 5 grams of sugar)

·         Swap two slices of bread for one

·         Swap white flour tortillas for whole grain flour or corn tortillas (more fiber, less refined carbs)

·         Swap noodles for veggies (bulk up your next pasta dish with extra vegetables)

·         Swap mayo for avocado (healthy fat)

·         Swap fruit alone for fruit paired with a protein such as nuts or low-fat cheese (protein at every snack)

·         Swap butter for non-stick, no-calorie sprays

·         Swap granola or trail mix for raw nuts (remember to watch portion size)

·         Swap full-fat ice cream for light versions or frozen fruit bars

·         Swap candy for sugar-free gum

·         Swap popsicles for frozen grapes and bananas

·         Swap oatmeal packets for quick oats (less sugar)

·         Swap meat-lover’s pizza for vegetable-lover’s pizza and opt for the whole wheat crust and skip the extra cheese

·         Swap diet soda for sparkling or seltzer water

·         Swap tonic water for club soda

·         Swap sports drinks for protein shakes

·         Swap herbal tea for green tea (boosts metabolism, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol absorption and defends against cancer)

·         Swap sugary specialty alcoholic beverages for red wine (in moderation of course)

·         Swap sweet tea for home-brewed sun tea (add lemon and mint for extra flavor)

·         Finally, Swap “good/bad” for “healthy/unhealthy”

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