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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Salad A Day.....

May is also National Salad month.  When you hear the word salad I’m sure you think of lettuce, tomato, cucumber, dressing, etc but there are so many different salad varieties that you could literally eat a different salad every day of the year.  Salads are a great way to stock up on nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables.  You can get your full servings of vegetables in one really great salad. 

I love adding chunks of cooked sweet potatoes to my salads as well as a plethora of crunchy vegetables.  I also love to roast vegetables in the oven such as zucchini, bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms and add them to a fresh salad as well.  You can even go to the opposite end of the spectrum and do without the lettuce all together.  The antipasto salad is a good example. This salad usually contains Italian meats such as salami mixed with chunks of cheese, artichokes, olives, tomatoes and roasted red peppers. 

Adding protein to salad is another great way to stay full and satisfied.  So another good choice would be a chicken, tuna, or egg salad.  Or add some beans or quinoa to your next salad for added protein and fiber.  You just want to try and steer clear of the artery clogging saturated fats.  Opt for vinaigrette type dressings and ease up on the cheeses and fatty meats. 

So why eat salads?

They are quick and easy to prepare and super convenient. 

Trying to get fit and healthy?  Start off lunch and dinner with a small salad or make your salad your meal and bulk it up with delicious and nutritious toppings.  Don’t forget healthy monounsaturated fats such as avocado, olive oil, almonds and walnuts actually help your body absorb protective phytochemical such as lycopene from tomatoes and lutein from dark green vegetables.  So be sure to add one or more to your next salad dish.

They provide you with optimal nutrition: vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Now go ahead and challenge yourself to enjoy a salad everyday this week. 

Check out this link for some great salad and salad dressing recipes and ideas to get you started.

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