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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Monday, July 2, 2012

Craving pasta?

Sorry for the late blog post!  Busy day!!

So here is a short and sweet blog

Instead of pasta cook vegetables and top them with your favorite sauce.  The fiber in the vegetables is filling so you won't miss the pasta!  Green beans always make a great pasta substitution.

Tonight my dinner was fresh string beans and kidney beans topped with jarred sauce (no time to cook) and grated parmesan cheese.  It was so quick and easy and totally filling.  The beans added protein and more fiber to help me stay fuller and satisfied.

Other great vegetables that pair well with spaghetti sauce include zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower, and mushrooms.  Choose a chunky sauce (more veggies and flavor) and add beans for a protein punch!

If you NEED pasta then just portion out 1/2 cup cooked pasta and fill the plate with the veggies so you are not filling up on the starchy carbs.


  1. I love your stuff. You are so creative. I am going to try using my spaghetti sauce and put it over cauliflower and pair it with black beans. Thanks Gordon Keiser

  2. Your recipe is good. But does the taste of the beans will be alright if you are going to mix it in the pasta sauce?
