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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Munch Before the first Crunch

Do you eat before your workouts?  Your body needs energy to burn so it isn't burning away lean muscle mass.  So be sure to eat a light meal/snack about an hour prior to your workout.  You also want to be sure to eat within an hour after your workout to rebuild the muscles your body was breaking down during exercise.

Energy comes primarily from carbohydrates which turn into glucose - blood sugar - in the body.  This is the fuel your body needs. 

If you don't have any blood sugar available, your body will burn the muscles' glycogen, or stored glucose. Low blood sugar can also make you tired during your workout. Eating before your workout will give your energy and endurance to work harder, burn more calories, and improve muscle tone.

After exercise, during a period known as the golden hour (45 to 60 minutes after a workout), muscles absorb the most nutrients, and glycogen is replaced the most efficiently. You don't have to have a huge meal — just a little something that contains both protein and a little carbs will give the best results.

So for quick energy before a workout have a little caffeine (tea or coffee without too much sugar or cream) and carbohydrate for energy with a little protein to spare your muscle mass. The amount of food you eat depends on how far in advance you eat before you workout. I think an hour to two hours is best but sometimes you just don't have that kind of time. 

If you exercise after work, be sure to pack a snack to eat before you leave work so you have the energy to work out. If you exercise early in the morning before you go to work and don't have time to prepare breakfast, just have a small carb like a banana and/or a small container of Greek yogurt.

Some more example of pre-workout meals include whole or half peanut butter and banana or apple sandwiches on whole wheat with a glass of milk. Other options include a half of a turkey sandwich, small tuna wrap with light cheese, or whole wheat crackers with string cheese. 

After your workout you want to eat more protein and a little carbs within 30-60  minutes, 1 hour at the latest. Egg whites are a great way to get in a lot of protein. You can scramble egg whites with vegetables like mushrooms and onions and have a slice of whole wheat toast to go with it.  A simple burrito on a whole wheat or corn tortilla with black beans, salsa and light cheese is another good option.  Be sure to pair protein with every meal and snack to spare and build lean body mass and keep you satisfied.

Protein shakes are another great way to get protein and carbohydrates in after or even before a workout.  They really don't take much time at all.  You could even prep the ingredients the night before.  Yesterday's post-workout protein shake consisted of unsweetened vanilla almond milk, one scoop protein powder, half cup of frozen blueberries, half banana, one handful of fresh baby spinach and four ice cubes.  It was delicious and satisfying but not too filling.  So I could have easily had this shake before my workout.

Check out this blog on how to prepare smoothies the night before or the week ahead.  But don't forget the spinach.  You won't even know it's there; just add dark berries to mask the green color.  The health benefits are so great.

Also be sure to check out the new recipe I added to the 1, 2, 3 Recipes tab.  It is for baked oatmeal.  This is a great way to prepare oatmeal for the week and you can have this as a pre or post-workout meal.

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