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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Target Heart Rate and Killer Workouts

If you know me personally, then you know I love Jillian Michaels.  I have almost all of her workout DVDs and believe they are the best around.  Check out what Jillian has to say about target heart rates.  It is important to know your target heart rate when working out not only for fat and calorie burn but also for your health.  You don't want you heart rate to get too high, especially if you are pregnant or have a heart condition.

To determine your target heart rate, you should first figure out your maximum heart rate (MHR). This is done by subtracting your age from 220. For example, If you're 32, check it out: 220 – 32 = 188 (so now you know your MHR is 188). Then take 85 percent of 188, which gives you 160, so that's your target heart rate — the ideal number of times your heart should beat in one minute when I'm training.

The easiest way to keep track of your heart rate is by wearing a heart rate monitor. If you don't want to spring for one, no problem — just find your pulse, either on your wrist or on your neck (usually right next to your larynx), count the number of times your heart beats in 6 seconds, and then multiply that number by 10.

That said, it's pretty tough to keep your heart rate at 85 percent, so don't be discouraged if you can't at first. Work your way up to it. There will also be times when your heart rate will reach 100 percent of your MHR — if this happens, don't worry. It's not unhealthy, it's just VERY difficult to sustain over 45 to 60 minutes of cardio — which is why 85 percent is the magic number for cardio training.

One footnote before you start doing all the math: If you're on medication for a heart condition, talk to your doctor. Your healthy heart rate range might be a little different than you'd expect.

If you are interested in any $10 workout videos to do from the convenience of your own home, I highly recommend Jillian's dvds.  Here are my favorites.

No More Trouble Zones - an oldie but a goodie
Banish Fat and Boost Metabolism - you don't need any equipment
30 Minute Shred - super quick workout that makes you sweat
6-Week Six Pack - probably my favorite, I am always sore after this one and it is a full body workout that targets your abs
Extreme Shed and Shred - just got this one, super fun
Killer Buns and Thighs - need I say more
Yoga Meltdown - when I'm not in a heated yoga studio and craving yoga, this dvd is perfect

The only one I don't own is Shred it with Weights because I don't have a kettle bell but I tried in On-Demand a few time a while back and used a regular weight and it was still really good.

Jillian has a new dvd coming out March 6th called Kickbox Fast Fix - perfect in time for my birthday!!

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