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Health and Happiness,

Stephanie : 0 )

Monday, December 19, 2011

Miracle diet or SHAM??!

HCG stands for human chorionic gonadotropin and it is a hormone (protein) produced by the early developing fetus and is the hormone that most home-pregnancy tests detect in the urine, determining whether you see a smiley face or a (+) sign on the test stick.

HCG is being hyped as a weight loss drug.  HCG does induce alterations in fat metabolism, in pregnant women who need to mobilize energy stores to support a growing fetus.  Research is not available to support hCG as a treatment for overweight/obesity and the FDA does not approve hCG as a weight loss aid.

This is a dangerous diet that I would not recommend to anyone.  The Internet claims that HCG works directly with the Hypothalamus gland. This gland actually controls body fat, emotions, and helps to develop the reproductive organs during puberty.  The reason this diet plan helps people to lose weight is because those people are literally starving themselves. The injections, pills, powders, etc do nothing to aid in the weight loss.


For the first two days of the diet plan, participants are asked to eat all the fat they can stand, then follow a very low calorie diet (500/day) with the HCG shots. They are not allowed to do any strenuous activity while they are on the “diet plan.” They say the diet itself is so effective that adding an additional expenditure of calories is not necessary, not recommended and actually discouraged. This goes against every principle of healthy living. This diet is targeting people who want a quick fix with little effort, besides starving yourself of course!  The purpose is to put you in ketosis for rapid weight loss but this is not sustainable over an extended period of time and you will definitely gain the weight back once you start eating normal again.

Losing weight the natural way may seem like the toughest thing in the world but hard work, dedication, support, and consistency pays off in the end.   Once you start to make healthy changes and stick to them, they become a part of your daily routine and no longer seem like hard work.  So if you can get there, then you can manage your weight successfully and safely without extreme fad diets!

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